Monday, April 16, 2018

SXSW 2018 Day 3 Session 5: Hacking Life: the Sci and Sci-Fi of immortality

Session page (no audio):

Jamie Metzl, Atlantic Council

The biggest revolution of our century is not the tech revolution, it’s the biotech revolution, and specifically the genetics/genomics revolution, all the biological connected systems that are going to change in a fundamental way.  After 3.8 Billion years of Evolution by Darwinian principles of random mutation and natural selection, we are turning a corner in Evolution towards a future where we are directing our own evolutionary path.

With all the advances of mapping, sequencing and precision editing the genom, we are beginning to hack the building blocks of life.  The fundamental change of biogenetic evolution is that we will realize our own genetic code is just another form of information technology.
When we see science fiction, we see so many advances in technology, but the people look just like we do now; but biology will not be constant.  If we had a time machine, and went back 1000 years in the past, and brought a baby back, it would grow up to be a regular human.  But if we took a baby from 1000 years in the future, it would grow up as a super-human among us – live longer, healthier, have special capabilities and traits we don’t see anywhere else.  This will take time to reach, but our improvements and the trajectory of change is increasing in exponential speed.  Among many things, this will change how long we live and how well we live our lives.

The search for longevity has driven a lot of the stories, myths and religions.  Gilgamesh looks for immortality, Methuselah lives to 969 years old; the Chinese have myths of a mushroom that gives immortality, and many other cultures were preoccupied with long life and immortality.

At the time of the Roman empire, average lifespan was 25; in 1900, average lifespan in the US was only 47 – 20 years increase over the span of several millennia.  But starting in the 19th century, rate started to increase dramatically as a result of better sanitation, nutrition and improvements in medicine.  During the 20th century average American lifespan extended at the rate of about three months a year, leading to today’s average of just under 80.  In 100 years we experienced the same rate of increase in lifespan we previously experienced over 3000 years.

What is still possible going forward?  It will not be possible to extend our lives beyond that of the oldest recorded human by continuing the same methods we used previously (improved nutrition, reduction of disease, improved lifestyle, improve safety).  So what else can be done to extend lifespan?
To answer this we first need to understand better what aging is.  Is aging a unified process, or a collection of separate and independent aging processes?  Is aging a degradation of the body, or an increase of accumulated knowledge, or a reduction of stem cells?  There is a lot of debate in the scientific community around what aging really is.  Also, there’s chronological aging and biological aging – the two don’t correlate the same way in all people.

There’s a big movement now to find the biological markers of aging.  There’s a lot of progress in understanding the mechanisms of aging, but still no linking it to an overarching system of aging.
Another question is whether there’s an evolutionary imperative for us to die of old age?  It doesn’t look like it – evolutionary selection works on reaction to environment or capabilities; there doesn’t seem to be an evolutionary system for cutting life off arbitrarily after a certain amount of time.  This used to correlate because with age capabilities degraded, but if they don’t, there doesn’t seem to be an evolutionary imperative to die.

Another thing to consider is that we are all decedents of humans who are survivors of near mass-starvation events; in several times in history the human population was reduced to a few thousand people (as recent as 75000 years ago).  This means that our ancestors were those who survived through incredible hardship, and we are descendants of these super resilient people, and we carry that resilient DNA.  If we can activate that we could possibly tap into some of that resiliency.

Alternatively, we can look at the longest living human.  The most credible record of longest living human is a French woman who lived to the age of 122.  There are also groups of people living to over 100 years old, and when you examine them to see what they have in common, you see it’s genetics.  Generally people who live very long lives live well in their long lives.

Another area of study is comparative biology of related animals.  For example, a mouse can live up to about 3 years in captivity, while its relative the naked mole rat can live up to 31 years – without showing signs of aging.  They also do not get cancer.  Another species studied is clams – regular clams live to about 15 years, but the ocean quahog clam can live several hundred years, with the oldest measured at 507 years old (clams add a ring to their shell every year, like trees).  They can live this long because of a low metabolism and mechanism to prevent oxidation.  A third example is the jellyfish, who have a lifespan ranging from a few hours to several months (depending on the species).  However, there is one species of jellyfish who is effectively immortal, because it can transform from adult to a polyp, essentially reversing aging, over and over.

Experimentation has been held in roundworms that have been selectively bred to long life.  Genetic analysis of roundworms of a long line of extended life compared with genetic data of regular roundworms shows there are relatively small number of genetic differences between the two types that can cause double or quadruple life (and healthier lives).  So scientists are studying the tradeoffs of turning these genetic markers off or on.

Some strategies for increasing lifespan:
Short term strategies:
  • Things we already know: exercise; low calorie, mostly plant-based diets; strong social networks; having a sense of purpose.  Exercising 1.5 hours a week increases overall lifespan by 2.5 years over everyone else who doesn’t exercise.  2.5 hours a week, adds 3 years more; 1 hour a day gives 4 additional years.
  • Calorie restriction diets: eating less calories than is required (~1200 calories a day).  Research now shows you don’t need to constantly be on a calorie restricted diet permanently; 5 consecutive calorie restricted days, in two months of an entire year are enough to get the same effect.
  • Drugs that trigger the effect of calorie restricted diets (Metformin, Rapamycin)
  • Once identifying the genes that correlate with older life, you can replicate the enzimes these genes create in people who don’t have these genes, producing the same effects as if they had them
  • Drugs that increase the number of times cells can reproduce
  • Reverse aging process of cells (similarly to how the immortal Jellyfish work), but less drastically
  • Blood rejuvenation – Research shows Parabiosis (sowing together a young moue and an old one, such that they share a blood system), rejuvenates the old mouse (while aging the young one).  Similar rejuvenation happened simply by injecting human cord blood into an old mouse.

Medium term strategies:
  • Large scale embryo selection through personalized precision genome sequencing
  • Precision personal medicine
  • Medical nanobots

Longer term strategies:
  • Immortality.  Increase the three months extension of life a year (current rate) to one year a year (unlikely).
  • Downloadable brain that can be uploaded into a new body

We will need to redefine our definitions of humanity the more we merge with technology.

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