Tuesday, March 20, 2018

SXSW 2018 Day 2 Session 2: Quantum Computing: Science fiction to science fact

Session page, including audio: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2018/events/PP79118

Jerry Chow, IBM
Bo Ewald, D-Wave systems
Andrew Fursman, 1Qbit
Antia Lamas-Linares, Texas Advanced Computing Center at University of Texas

Antia: The first concept of quantum computing was detailed by Prof. Feynman in 1981.  The quantum computer uses three principles of quantum mechanics:

  • Superposition – a bit can be 0 and 1 simultaneously
  • Entanglement
  • Quantum tunneling
Quantum mechanics application is found in multiple areas – quantum sensors, quantum communication, and quantum computing, which is the focus of this discussion.  There is a lot of attention on quantum computing, due to its promise.  The EU has created a $1B program to advance quantum computing and China is spending $11B on the topic.

Quantum computers come in two architectures: Gate architecture and annealing architecture.  Basically the two are different ways to represent a Qbit.
Quantum computers are good at finding the probability to the best answer – they do not provide certainty.  So, they are good for optimization problems.  For example, routing traffic; placing satellites, some machine learning problems.

Jerry: Quantum computing has grown from a concept only understood by physicists, to something that is more popular in the computing circles.  As hardware has progressed, we are learning what quantum processors can do.
IBM Launched IBM QX (Quantum eXperience), which is a 5 Qbit processor that’s available online and accessible for the public.  IBM also released an SDK and a Python API set to help users write code more easily and experiment with the quantum processor and simulators.  There’s also a user’s guide for beginners.

Andrew: There are still very complex problems that can’t be solved in traditional computing methods, for which quantum computing is more suited.

Anita: Where are we in terms of the hardware?  Why do we see it in the news so much now?

Bo: Our technology now is probably at a similar stage to the level regular computers were in the 50s – just as we transitioned from vacuum tubes to transistors, and before the development of Fortran, the first computer language that made computers somewhat accessible.
On the other hand, we are dealing with very advanced hardware, and are progressing very quickly.  Large companies are buying ever bigger machines – Google bought a 500 Qbit machine, and Lost Alamos and NASA bought 2000 Qbit machines.  So the hardware is advanced, but the software and application are 50s era.

Jerry: With circuit model, we need to have large numbers of perfect Qbits to achieve meaningful usage, but the physics of the domain are such that large numbers of Qbits increase the likelihood of errors in calculations, in which case strong error correction is needed.  Right now we can build tens or hundreds of physical Qbits, but those would generate a lot of noise, and we’d need to find the right applications for them.

Andrew: We need to think about what types of things are not possible with classical computers and how we would build quantum computers to solve these types of problems.  Regular computers and quantum computers are not in competition; they enhance each other.  It’ll likely have a model similar to CPU and GPUs – the CPU farms out certain types of operations to a GPU, which is better suited for them.

Jerry: Quantum chemistry is an example of a domain that’s best tackled with quantum computers.  It would be too hard to have large scale simulations of quantum chemistry on traditional computers.

Andrew: If you must use 30% of a supercomputer cluster for a relatively simple chemical simulation, that’s a hint we’re not using the right tool for the problem.  We will be building quantum computers to solve specific types of problem: a computer optimized for matter manipulation, one optimized for quantum material science analysis, and so on.
We need to increase the exposure and availability of quantum computing to better expand and speed up potential development.

Jerry: We’re still not in the level of maturity that we would have compilers, operating systems on Quantum computers.  It’s still very early days here.

Bo: There are only about ten companies in the world who can build quantum computers, and we need to get them into the hands of millions to accelerate the field.

Anita: What are the drivers of quantum investment?  Is it still mostly government and education sector?

Andrew: Once we start seeing results the corporate sector will enter the field.  The government should be encouraging businesses to invest in the field.

Jerry: We’re starting to see rapid development of technology with academic advancement.

Bo: We’re still in the R&D phase, which makes the users mostly big operators like governments.  The first killer app will change that.

Andrew: We need to ramp up the talent now, not when the first killer app hits.

Jerry: In the past, we would be primarily hiring physicists, because only they were able to understand the domain.  But now we see more and more computer scientists available.

Question: What should we be concerned about in terms of security and what is overblown?

Jerry: Breaking encryption comes up a lot, but I wouldn’t be worried about it – the technology to support this is still not available.  It’s important to start thinking about transitioning away from traditional encryption, but it’s not an immediate problem.

Bo: It’s probably another 10 years before Shor’s algorithm can be used.

Anita: This is something we’re thinking about, but there’s also quantum encryption – that will likely take replace the common encryption algorithms we use today.

Question: What are consumer applications of Quantum computing?

Andrew: Probably in the financial world, solving optimization problems.  For example, how can I get the most X by investing the least Y.  Other than that, it’s currently hard to tell what types of usage there will be.  The field will innovate once access becomes more available and knowledge spreads more.

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